The pool of the future is more than just a pool. It is a pool whose depth can be adjusted to ensure the safety of the youngest swimmers. It is a modular space that can be used for eating, dancing and playing. It is an ecological solution that reduces evaporation during the day and minimises heat loss at night.

Technology SPIRALIFT

How it works

Under movable pool floors, there is a technology that has been trusted in the scenic, aerospace, and automotive industries for over 25 years: the Spiralift™.

Compact yet powerful, this stainless steel lifting system is used by car manufacturers like Ferrari and found in prestigious venues such as the Paris Philharmonic, London’s Royal Opera House, New York’s Carnegie Hall, and in flight simulators around the world.

The newest IL150 & IL250 Spiralift™ models, constructed with 316L Stainless Steel and adapted for aquatic environments, allow for the smallest closed height and probably one of the highest load capacities in the industry.

“A hidden pool that fits your lifestyle perfectly”

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