Boilerman is one of the top specialists in marine boiler systems service and repair in the market. Focused on repairs, service, and spare parts, Boilerman provides turnkey repair, maintenance, and upgrading of various types of boilers and burners.
Furthermore, they are brilliant at solving automation issues. Years of experience with boilers in the maritime sector have given Boilerman the quality you need to ensure the safety and efficiency of your boilers.
We have been in the industry of offshore wind farm protection, ships, and drilling rigs since 1993. From our humble beginnings in the small town of Moerkapelle in the Netherlands, we have grown into internationally recognized specialists for innovative, creative, and sustainable solutions in corrosion and cathodic protection. Our sophisticated ICCP and ICAF systems operate worldwide, protecting your valuable equipment.
Our on-site research laboratory is just one of the ways we are working to protect your facilities and the planet. This unique laboratory is exactly where we are, every day. We personally develop, improve, and test our products. Our laboratory allows us to lead the way in antifouling and corrosion solutions. The best for you and the best for the world, now and in the future.